It’s vital to understand that kidney function has to last a lifetime, and efforts really need to be made to diagnose the disease early and to institute treatment early in order to slow or halt the progression of kidney disease and protect as much kidney function as possible.
Dr. Cheung
Consultant Nephrologist and Honorary
Associate Professor, University of Leicester
BAFF and APRIL have overlapping roles in B cell differentiation, and there is preclinical evidence that dual inhibition of both cytokines is more effective at inhibiting plasma cell survival and reducing proteinuria than inhibiting either cytokine alone.
Dr. Geetha
Nephrologist and Professor of Clinical
Medicine, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
This is principally a B cell functioning disease, in the process of B cell maturation when going from a pre-B cell through and all the way down to a plasma cell, through the regulation of two principal and very important cytokine pathways called the APRIL pathway and the BAFF pathway.
Dr. Tumlin
Nephrologist and Director of Clinical
Research, Emory University School of
Medicine and Director of the NephroNet
Clinical Trials Consortium
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